Wednesday, May 29, 2013

This is it-Ali Cat & Co. sewing blog!

Since the baby daddy is deploying soon, I think I will have a lot of time on my hands the next 7 months or so.  Hence the birth of Ali Cat & Co blog.  My goals are to advance my sewing and significantly improve the ole photography skills.  

Here's a jog down memory lane.  
My first sewing projects.

 Ali was about 8 months old.  Such a cutie.

 Shirt for me.  I still wear this blouse; it's one of my favorites.
 I totally screwed up this apple dress.  The sleeves are upside down, the bodice is not lined and it came out too short.
 Dresses for friends' daughters. 
 This yellow floral fabric is one of my favorite fabrics I've ever found.  It's so happy.


 At this point, I'd been sewing about a year and was getting the hang of things.
 Bags are my first love

 Love this linen bag.  First project after I bought the Janome.

These are the more recent projects.

 I really did not enjoy this shorts pattern but
they did turn out cute.
 The girls' birthday dresses this year.


Great plans are in store. 
Stay tuned for a tutorial on how to make 
a crumble top apple pie.


  1. Fantastic array of projects, I love that linen bag. Where is that from?

    1. Thank you! If I used a pattern for the linen bag, I honestly don't remember where I got it from. I most changed up a pattern I found somewhere.
